E114 Jackie: Your brain on running

Jackie is a nationally competitive ultra trail runner. She holds numerous female race wins and course records for trail and ultramarathon races all over the Northeast and Southeast regions in distances ranging from marathon to 100 miles. Some of her highlighted achievements include a 2nd place finish at the 2015 USATF 50 mile National Trail Championship race, overall wins at the Ice Age 50K, Snakebite 50K and Mystery Mountain Marathon in 2016, the women’s course record at the Pinhoti 100 miler, 2nd place at the Georgia Death Race, 7th woman at the Western States 100, and 2nd place at the JFK 50 mile in 2017.

In 2018, Jackie shifted her training focus to growing a human and welcomed their daughter, Jordan, into the world at the end of that year. She runs for the HOKA ONE ONE trail running team and Lily Trotters compression socks women’s squad. 

When she is not running, Jackie can usually be found in the lab playing with cool neuroscience toys that can measure brain activity. At her day job, Jackie studies how the brain controls how we move our bodies and how we can change our brains based on the behaviors we engage in. Yeah, she is kind of a nerd. 

More from Jackie @j_palm_

More form me @hilsport55

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