Julia is a force to be reckoned with. She began running only 5 years ago, and quickly caught the endurance bug. In 2020, Julia was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. The COVID-19 crisis complicated matters as she had to navigate the healthcare system and help ensure the financial security of her company, Vision Advertising, during the crisis. Find out how she's kept up with training, leading a company, and long term goals while fighting cancer.
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The women of the trails share their stories about running, racing, and life. These badass ladies from around the globe get honest about everything from competing, motherhood, and trying to have it all. Get ready for training ideas, gear tips, and a healthy dose of inspiration.
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E89 Bailey: Finding running when you have no adults→
/You name it, Bailey has been through it. I have no words to describe the abuse and trauma she had to go through as a young person
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