E53 Shantelle: The backwards runner

E53 Shantelle: The backwards runner

Shantelle is a 33 year old from Manchester UK who is not afraid to stand out in a crowd. She has completed two half marathons backwards, both times for bullying charities. She held Guinness World Record for the fastest female to complete a half marathon backwards from March 2017- Jan 2019 in a time of 2:27:09. She created the Retro Mile event after obtaining the world record to help others build confidence and to try something new. It is also a fantastic rehabilitation and cross-training exercise. 

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E52 Nicola: Casual, or exceptionally dialed in?

E52 Nicola: Casual, or exceptionally dialed in?

Nicola Gildersleeve grew up an athlete, but didn't discover her natural talent for running until she was a young adult. She faced some serious adversity while playing basketball at college, battling eating disorders and bad relationships, but was able to find her way out through running. She began on the roads with little training, and eventually realized that running a 3 hour marathon is not normal! Nicola now has an impressive list of accomplishments including 11th at Western States, multiple Knee Knacker podiums, and the FKT as the first woman to complete the Sunshine Coast trail in one go. 

Check out her podcast: Journey to Ultra



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E51 Jen: Overcoming chronic fatigue and the love of running

E51 Jen: Overcoming chronic fatigue and the love of running

Jen Scotney has spent years working her way up as a human rights lawyer, while dominating ultra marathons at the same time. After a few too many bouts of chronic fatigue she has decided to take the plunge and switch careers. She talks about how she got to that decision and the guts it takes to make the change. Jen's highlights include podiums at 2 x 110 miles and a 190 miler last year while having just started running 5-6 years ago! 

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E50 Trail Tips: Are you an IPOS?

E50 Trail Tips: Are you an IPOS?

Training can be so much fun until you're an IPOS. Tory and I chat about life as a runner with an injury, life as a runner in my 'condition', and how to survive when your friends aren't runners.
We answer listener questions on how to train for a hilly race while living in the flatlands, and what to do about post race insomnia. 

Keep sending questions in to ruggedconditioning@gmail.com 


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E49 Jess: Volume junkie and registered dietitian

E49 Jess: Volume junkie and registered dietitian

Jess Mullen is a seriously badass runner who is not afraid to tell you like it is. Jess started running ultras in 2007 and realized this was her place. She's a second half runner, so the longer the better. She's run countless trail races including over 46 x 100 milers, ending up on the podium multiple times. She's  also a registered dietitian and was kind enough to share some really valuable nutritional knowledge with us. 

More from Jess https://fitfirst.net

More from me @hilsport55

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E48 Hailey: Making an impact

E48 Hailey: Making an impact

Hailey Van Dyk is an ER Nurse, Adventurer, Rep for the Coastal Challenge Race, Co-owner of of Chakra Eco, and successful trail runner. Oh, and she's not even 30 years old. 

Hailey is a well known runner in the trail community, so it was a ton of fun to get a behind the scenes chat on her life before running, how she got to where she is, and dealing with recent major shifts in her life. 

More from me @hilsport55


More from Hailey @haileyvandyk

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