I think the title says it all. Laura is a mother to 5 kids, an ultra runner, and race director of Survivorfest. Survivorfest is a 24-hour race on a 400 meter track designed to give people an opportunity to see what they are made of and support her local sexual assault centre - Saffron Centre.
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The women of the trails share their stories about running, racing, and life. These badass ladies from around the globe get honest about everything from competing, motherhood, and trying to have it all. Get ready for training ideas, gear tips, and a healthy dose of inspiration.
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E104: Running while pregnant Q & A with midwife Acadia→
/Acadia is a Certified Professional Midwife, run coach and ultrarunner living in Western Maine. She answers listener questions including how to prepare your body for pregnancy, if running will affect fertility, and how to safely continue running once pregnant. And of course we talk extensively about how to handle the general public when they offer unsolicited advice.
More from me @hilsport55
Find Acadia @trailrunningbabycatcher
Read MoreE99 Sherry: Crazy Mother Runners→
/Sherry is the type of person you want to do your long run with. The mom of 4 found running in college to reduce anxiety and stress and it became her medicine and therapy. As a mother, running gave her a space to create a community with other moms, which eventually turned into the instagram account @crazy_mother_runners.
We go off on all sorts of tangents including marriage, motherhood, hormones and friendships. Sherry is both fun and inspiring.
More from me @hilsport55
Read MoreE96: Training & running 100km with a little fam→
/My husband Andy and I chat about training and running 100km with a 9.5 month old baby. We cover everything from recovering from birth, breastfeeding, and strollers, to family adventures, spousal support and sprained ankles.
Read MoreE78 Meridith: The pregnant and postpartum speedster→
/Meridith ran her first 100 miler at one year postpartum with her first kid (Cadence, now 4) and her second 100 at 10 months postpartum with her second (Callie, now 16 months old). She most recently ran a sub 3hr marathon. Meridith has been pregnant or breastfeeding for most of her running journey. She is one badass runner, an amazing mother, and one of the nicest people you'll hear from.
Read MoreE66 Trail Tips: Say goodbye to Mom guilt→
/Tory and I catch up on life and tackle listener questions. Find out what happens when Tory doesn't race often enough and comes toe to toe with random strangers. We cover lots of great listener q's including our favourite treadmill workouts, toenails, gift guides, race day tips, and Tory debunks mom guilt.
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