E65 Alyssa S: Stress fractures, nutrition, and Chiropractic care

E65 Alyssa S: Stress fractures, nutrition, and Chiropractic care

Alyssa Salava started running in 8th grade and ran track and cross country throughout high school and university. She struggled with injuries during university including a multitude of stress fractures. She later learned the push to be thinner from her coaches and lack of nutrition was a huge factor in her health. She found chiropractic school and was able to heal her body and find a healthy relationship with running on the trails. She now specializes in pediatrics and pre/post natal care with a growing passion to help moms get back into running after giving birth. 

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E64 Lori: An entry to Badwater in her first 100mile race

E64 Lori: An entry to Badwater in her first 100mile race

Lori Mitchener recently came 1st female at Keys 100, getting herself an entry into Badwater. The only problem? The Keys was her first 100 mile race, and Badwater requires you have successfully completed at least 3 x 100 mile races. Naturally she immediately signed up for another race, Pinecreek 100. She won again, this time overall. She now has to complete one more race coming up this December. She talks about the sudden pressure from going from a newbie to an undefeated 100 mile racer. 


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E63 Jen B: You can achieve anything

E63 Jen B: You can achieve anything

Jennifer Butz is a 41 year old from Atlanta who started running 5 years ago and never looked back. She's now completed half marathons, marathons, Ironman70.3, and most recently a 50km in the trails. Jen has an impressive ability to mentally handle everything from tough training schedules and long races, to body shaming while training. Listen in to hear her tricks for overcoming the most difficult moments. 

More from Jen @jenrunsandtris

More from me @hilsport55

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E62 Kristie: A conversation with a pelvic floor specialist

E62 Kristie: A conversation with a pelvic floor specialist

Kristie is a Physiotherapist with a special interest in pelvic health and pain science. Her goal is to give both men and women the opportunity to learn, breathe, exercise, and ask questions in a safe, supportive space. We discuss all things pelvic health related including how to properly do a Kegel, preventative measures and postpartum rehab.

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E61 Alyssa C: Single mom and PHD candidate

E61 Alyssa C: Single mom and PHD candidate

Alyssa is a single mom of 3 young kids, a PHD candidate, and an accomplished runner. She received her bachelor's degree in 2015, the same year then President Obama came to her university to respond in person to a letter she wrote to him. She immediately enrolled in a two year MA program for fall 2015 at the same university and in 2016 enrolled in a 5 year PhD program. Find out how she juggles life as a mom, a student, and training for her first 50km. 

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E60 Jenny: Squamish 50/50 CR

E60 Jenny: Squamish 50/50 CR

Jenny recently crushed the Squamish 50/50, where she won overall, was on the podium both days, and beat the course record by 40 minutes. Jenny talks about her jump in the last few years from learning how to run ultra distances to deciding to race them hard. Learn how she handles tough moments when her brain tells her, "to stop and cry." She's now splitting her time between work, throwing down at races, and race directing the Fraser Valley Trail Series. 

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